Unprecedented: Sir Lindsay Hoyle summons Mail on Sunday editor over controversial Angela Rayner article
It is thought to be the first time this has ever happened.
It is thought to be the first time this has ever happened.
The actor's tweet went viral as he reacted to the claims that Angela Rayner crossed and uncrossed her legs to put off the PM.
The deputy Labour leader said the PM's cheerleaders have resorted to spreading "desperate, perverted smears" in a thread posted on Twitter.
Boris Johnson condemned the 'misogynistic' article directed at Angela Rayner on Sunday - turning a mirror towards his own 'sexist language'.
One person described the story as a "stain on everyone involved in briefing it out, writing it, editing it, and approving it for circulation."
"With good reason the public will see this as yet another attempted whitewash. They’re being taken for fools by this prime minister yet again."
“You lose the debate if you resort yourself to violence," she said following the infamous Will Smith Oscars slap.
Rayner made no reference to the death of Jean Charles de Menezes, who was shot in the head after being mistaken for a terrorist.
The Labour leader's relationship with his deputy is reportedly at "rock bottom".
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