Daily Mail’s Rayner hypocrisy exposed in unearthed front page
'I do love it when the veteran journalists find the receipts.'
'I do love it when the veteran journalists find the receipts.'
Greater Manchester Police previously said it would not be investigating the allegation.
So-called activists wore hi-vis 'tax inspector' vests as Angela Rayner visited Teesside, but not everything is as it seems.
"The Daily Mail has absolutely shot itself in the foot", Carol Vorderman said.
It shows, shock horror, that the Daily Mail’s central charge against the Labour deputy leader could be irrelevant.
In taking aim at Labour's Angela Rayner, The Mail may have accidentally put one of their own on the chopping block.
Claims she may have avoided capital gains tax on the 2015 sale of her council house have been raised in a new book.
A Tory MP has alleged the Labour deputy leader made false declarations about where she lived on the electoral register.
The deputy party leader said she shared the ‘frustration’ that independent inquiries into Labour members were taking a long time.
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