Search Result for 'premier league'

Non-league in London: St Albans City FC

St Albans City FC (nicknamed "The Mighty Saints") was founded in 1908 and plays its home matches at Clarence Park stadium which is situated in a Victorian park, about 800 yards from the city centre, and a 5 minute walk from the City train station (which is just 18 minutes ...

Is this the most damning indictment of Theresa May’s premiership?

A week after Theresa May suffered a heavy blow at the hands of the British electorate she may be about to suffer her biggest set back yet - after she was made odds-on leave Downing Street before Arsene Wenger exits Emirates. The Prime Minister has come under fire after last week’s general ...

Top 10 Non League Grounds in London

Non league football is enjoying somewhat of a resurgence of late as fans ditch pricey league grounds and adopt new semi-professional teams for their match day fix. As a football hub London certainly has no shortage of offerings throughout the leagues, home to six Premier League sides, three Championship clubs ...

The Top 5 Corporate Colleagues

By RB Work in an office? Here’s a handy list of the top five people you’re bound to run into. The suck up Adept at instantaneously assessing whether or not your approval is valuable to their career progression, the suck up knows exactly who they, well, need to suck up ...

Win: Tickets To The Premiere OF Kicking Off

The Beautiful Game is about to get a whole lot uglier in the hilarious Kicking Off, in cinemas from April 21st and on DVD and on demand from April 25th. Despite a nightmare of a season so far, loyal fans Wigsy (Warren Brown – TV’s Luther, Inside Man) and Cliff ...

Super League 2016: The Year of the Underdog?

Sport News 24/7 By Rob McHugh  @mchughr  @TLE_Sport Since its inception in 1996, the English Super League has been dominated by a cartel of four clubs who remain the only winners of the trophy.  Leeds Rhinos, St. Helens, Wigan Warriors and Bradford Bulls have won every single Super League title ...

Non-League day: Support your local non-league team

Sport News 24/7 By David de Winter - Sports Editor @davidjdewinter  @TLE_Sport It’s an international weekend so most football fans (myself included) will be watching England face the might of Estonia at Wembley on Friday night.  But what are football fans to do on Saturday?  There are no Premier League ...

Your Guide to Non-League Day in London

Sport News 24/7 By Jack Peat, TLE Editor  Non-League Day has rolled around again giving you the chance to invest the crumpled ten bob note lying in your pocket on something more worthwhile than two pints of Fosters and a packet of pork scratchings in your local battle cruiser while ...

Premiership Preview…in Poetry

By Sharon Jones, Senior Tutor at Bolton Sixth Form College and Club Poet at Bacup Borough Fc.  Sharon runs a Football Poetry Workshops in schools, libraries, community centres, and you can find me @BBFCClubPoet and Arsenal The Professor Resplendent in FA Cup glory Yet Gunners salivate for the source Of Premier Silverware ...

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