Tories vote down protections for NHS in trade deals on deadliest day in pandemic
Here's the full list of MPs who voted the amendment down.
Here's the full list of MPs who voted the amendment down.
"The staggering contempt that Tories show for the working class - not even bothering to TURN UP to the Opposition Debate," Jack Monroe said.
The Covert Human Intelligent Sources Bill would allow public bodies - ranging from MI5 to the Food Standards Agency - to authorise agents to commit potentially egregious crimes while undercover.
Here's a full list of MPs who voted to strip the amendment from the bill.
“The Conservatives call themselves the party of law and order, but have become the party of lawlessness and disorder," David Lammy said.
There are several notable exemptions.
Only two Tory MPs - Sir Roger Gale and Andrew Percy – voted against the Bill.
"But it's ok because every year they shine a green light on Downing Street", David Schneider said.
Richard Corbett said the deal showed "Europe together has more clout than isolated Britain". – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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