UK to blame for global climate failures, Ed Miliband says
The shadow business secretary said Boris Johnson "must engage on the detail of what is actually happening".
The shadow business secretary said Boris Johnson "must engage on the detail of what is actually happening".
“Build back better, blah blah blah. Green economy, blah blah blah. Net zero by 2050, blah blah blah. Climate neutral, blah blah blah."
"Capitalism is incapable of solving the problems it has created."
"Piers Corbyn disrupts a Jeremy Corbyn event which is itself a protest against the Labour Party Conference from which im assuming both Corbyns are banned," wrote one perplexed twitter user.
“Brexit was meant to save us, but instead we’ve been left high and dry," one fisherman said.
"We are talking about the future of our country and the destruction of our economy," Liam Norton said.
"The year is 2013. And the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, is casting doubt on climate change, based on the theories of his friend..... Piers Corbyn."
One Tweet from the trade sec said: “Clear evidence that the ice caps aren’t melting after all, to counter those doom-mongers and global warming fanatics."
The group warned action will continue until the government makes a “meaningful commitment to insulate all of Britain’s 29 million leaky homes by 2030”. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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