Cop26: Carbon offsetting a ‘smokescreen’ to dodge climate action
Tree planting in developing nations will drive indigenous people off their land while rich countries do nothing, NGOs say.
Tree planting in developing nations will drive indigenous people off their land while rich countries do nothing, NGOs say.
Marches have taken place in Glasgow, and in hundreds of other places in the UK and around the world.
Crowds packed the streets to listen to Greta Thunberg and demand climate action at Cop26.
However, Thunberg tweeted: "Change won’t come from these conferences like #COP26 unless there is big public pressure from the outside. Join the climate strike this Friday."
Johnson went straight from Glasgow to a men-only members' club for a reunion of Daily Telegraph columnists.
Sky CEO Dana Strong regularly commuted between Philadelphia and London by private jet, it has emerged.
"When it's cheaper to catch a plane than it is to catch a train we're not going to be in the right place," he said.
"Getting into the spirit of Glasgow I see! Brilliant. Although, probably best to avoid the fried Mars bars if you value your digestive system Greta," tweeted one social media user.
The disclosure came after Chancellor Rishi Sunak faced accusations of hypocrisy when he announced a cut in air passenger duty on short-haul flights and a further freezing of fuel duty in his Budget last week, just days before the opening of Cop26. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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