‘UK will reverse Brexit within 15 years’, former EU President predicts
Is the clock already counting down on Britain's failed Brexit experiment? One very senior EU politician believes so...
Is the clock already counting down on Britain's failed Brexit experiment? One very senior EU politician believes so...
Another Brexit benefit!
The ship should be stocking British chippies with whitefish, but it can't go anywhere because there's no quota left to fish.
It comes as banks were given a year to shift clearing from London to the EU if they want to continue doing business in Europe.
The reported £22 billion 'black hole' in Britain's finances is dwarfed by the actual cost of Brexit - and the figure is set to rise further.
"It was like a polite British mutiny", one passenger on board the flight said.
"It's ironic", the assistant manager of one Brussels book retailer said.
Boris is less to blame for how Brexit panned out than the man who never prepared for the ‘what if’.
A climate-change denier and a top Tory donor have also been given the boot, as Labour officials look to reshape the Board of Trade.
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