Lee Anderson misses the launch of his new pressure group
His name was also missing from a list of MPs who support its recommendations.
His name was also missing from a list of MPs who support its recommendations.
The Sergeant at Arms will be speaking to the MP over the clip for his £100,000-a-year TV show.
Lee Anderson's first show on GB News took a strange turn on Friday, after he spoon-fed some cold beans to a fellow Tory MP.
The deputy Tory chair is set to start a new £100k second job after previously saying MPs shouldn't take £100k second jobs
"Lee Anderson asking £50.00 for a dinner ticket? I thought you could get dinner for 30p?", one person said.
Look at those reactions!
Rishi Sunak’s press secretary said the Tory deputy chairman’s remarks are ‘not something that the Prime Minister has expressed’ himself.
Senior Tory MP Lee Anderson has drawn ire for telling anti-monarchy activists to “emigrate”.
Sir Mark Rowley accused the deputy Conservative chair of making "selective comments based on a partial understanding of the law".
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