Tory Lee Anderson found to have broke MPs’ code
The Commissioner for Standards also found the Ashfield MP broke the rules by sending an email advertising his GB News show from his official address.
The Commissioner for Standards also found the Ashfield MP broke the rules by sending an email advertising his GB News show from his official address.
He's known for his unapologetic style, but ultimately, it could end up costing Lee Anderson his seat as an MP.
The deputy Tory Party chairman hit out at what he called "economic chancers" who "arrive on our shores looking for a handout".
Alex Chalk defended the comments made by the Ashfield MP after just 15 migrants entered the floating accommodation off the Dorset coast on Monday.
'When someone tells you who they are, believe them'
Lee Anderson talks a good game, but deep down, it appears he's got a soft spot for socialists - or at least, one of them...
This is not satire. We repeat. This is NOT satire.
The deputy Tory chairman described the BBC as a "safe haven for perverts", comments Hunt seemed willing to let fly.
No longer bound by BBC rules on impartiality, the journalist let rip at the deputy Conservative chairman over his "offensive" remarks. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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