Full list of 191 companies named and shamed for not paying minimum wage
John Lewis said it was ‘surprised and disappointed’ to be on the government’s list.
John Lewis said it was ‘surprised and disappointed’ to be on the government’s list.
According to recent polling only six per cent of people in Northern Ireland trust the British government.
It's getting harder and harder to argue that the prison system is working. So why haven't we changed it?
"I don't think anyone expected the rug to be pulled from under them so quickly."
"It's just another tiny, insignificant assault on the truth to add to the giant, sprawling pile of bullshit the hard-right trades in."
The Covert Human Intelligent Sources Bill would allow public bodies - ranging from MI5 to the Food Standards Agency - to authorise agents to commit potentially egregious crimes while undercover.
Pubs selling food can stay open under stricter Merseyside lockdown rules - but is there a hack?
“No discussion. No consultation. Millions of lives affected by Whitehall diktat", Andy Burnham tweeted.
With so much of our daily lives in complete disarray, it seems strange — almost quaint — to remember that, less than a year ago, broadsheet newspapers were getting up in arms about taking photographs in art galleries. Now, of course, the only way anyone can access gallery art at ...
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