These are the 307 MPs who voted down fire safety reforms set out in Grenfell inquiry
"But it's ok because every year they shine a green light on Downing Street", David Schneider said.
"But it's ok because every year they shine a green light on Downing Street", David Schneider said.
A Labour MP was criticised for using the phrase ‘fat old racists’ in a tweet.
“As we know, refugees have always helped to keep our communities safe and make our society stronger."
Caroline Lucas put forward the amendment, calling for "red lines in the negotiations" rather than more "warm words and nice rhetoric".
Amendments to the Immigration Bill to protect lone children and call for a time limit to immigration detention were defeated by the government.
RCN director Susan Masters said "testing of health and care workers and the people they are caring for has to be a priority".
Fears as Government promises for post-Brexit food and environmental standards removed from Agriculture Bill.
The Bluebell pub in Mansfield Road, Sutton-in- Ashfield, Notts., has now been ordered to close following the breaches.
Ahead of the debate, Labour’s Shadow Brexit Secretary Sir Keir Starmer and Lord Alf Dubs, who fled from the Nazis on the Kindertransport to Britain when he was aged six, wrote to all Tory MPs calling on them to vote against the Boris Johnson’s “disgraceful” abandonment of the ‘Dubs' children. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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