Full list of MPs who voted through Patel’s ‘unhinged’ plan to send asylum seekers abroad for processing
Just three Conservative MPs voted against the offshoring plan, while Edward Leigh urged the government to "hold the line".
Just three Conservative MPs voted against the offshoring plan, while Edward Leigh urged the government to "hold the line".
Labour MP Beth Winter described the proposal as a vote to "increase the level of poverty in this country."
"How dare they do this when millions can't even afford to pay their energy bills", Richard Burgon asked.
If the results were repeated in a General Election it could lead to the loss of more than 100 Tory seats.
Boris Johnson has suffered the biggest rebellion in his time as prime minister. Here's who opposed the new measures.
Dozens of Tory MPs are likely to rebel against Boris Johnson’s new Covid restrictions to tackle the Omicron variant.
"Imagine looking at the state of Brexit & thinking ‘I’m going to trust Brexit hard man Steve Baker’s understanding of viruses over virologists’." wrote James O'Brien.
After a few turbulent weeks, the prime minister could be about to face what could prove to be the largest rebellion of his premiership.
The Bill also gives Border Force officers powers to turn migrants away from the UK while at sea, and makes it a criminal offence to knowingly arrive in the UK without permission.
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