Things can only get worse….
Don't listen to D:Ream - walk away now and call an election before there is no one left to vote for you.
Don't listen to D:Ream - walk away now and call an election before there is no one left to vote for you.
The former investment banker is, jointly with his wife, said to be worth more than £500 million.
"The good news is this Conservative government is coming to an end. The bad news is they have not realised it yet"
Fox founded the Reclaim Party in October 2020 after he being ‘cancelled from a 21-year acting career’, according to the TV star.
With the country in turmoil, this moment offered some light relief!
The party sent out an email to supporters asking for them for money on the back of the Frank Hester scandal.
"What racist, woman-hating threat of violence would he have to make before the Prime Minister plucked up the courage to hand back the £10 million that he’s taken from him?”
A plot to get him back into the Commons has hit a snag!
Arctic ice plays a huge role in regulating the Earth’s temperature. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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