Reader’s letter to newspaper nails ’30p a meal’ Tory MP argument
Lee Anderson bought a six bedroom house months before suggesting poor people struggle to afford food because they don't know how to cook or budget.
Lee Anderson bought a six bedroom house months before suggesting poor people struggle to afford food because they don't know how to cook or budget.
Lee Anderson provoked outrage after suggesting Brits should be "able to feed themselves for 30p".
Lee Anderson suggested that people use food banks because they "cannot cook properly" or "budget" - prompting a furious response from Monroe.
“This is one of the many benefits of Brexit. The first pint I have with the crown on will taste much better," Lee Anderson said.
It came after Tory MP Lee Anderson accused Lineker of “virtue signalling” and suggested he should house “the next boat of illegal immigrants”.
Lee Anderson didn't realise he was mic'd up when he rang an acquaintance, saying "make out that you know who I am, that I’m a candidate not a friend alright?”
Reform is also investigating two complaints from female employees about 'serious bullying.'
Since July, he has made £12,460 from the app.
When asked if the UK should prioritise trade with the EU or US, all constituencies - even Reform ones - backed Europe. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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