Lee Anderson and Steve Bray set to have televised boxing match for charity
GB News have agreed to televise the bout, saying a ring will be erected outside Westminster for the 'Thrilla by the River'.
GB News have agreed to televise the bout, saying a ring will be erected outside Westminster for the 'Thrilla by the River'.
A report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation suggests it is no longer a choice for some people, with millions not being able to do either.
He said the Tory Party won the election in 2019 thanks to 'Brexit, Boris and Corbyn', and now they'll have to "think of something else".
The new Deputy Chair of the Conservative Party is now facing some very serious questions, over the company he keeps.
"It’s intellectual snobbery pure and simple", Wootton said.
“Nobody has ever committed a crime after being executed. You know that, don’t you? 100% success rate", he said.
One of his colleagues recently wrote of him that he is "everything that is wrong with the Conservative brand presently". If this is the new Tory Party, "many will be forgiven for deserting it".
The Tories have been accused of siding with "ignorance, social inequality, prejudice and divisive culture" with the appointment.
Jacob Rees-Mogg said the former PM is extraordinarily popular. "People stop their cars to get out and talk to him and stop their vans and so on."
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