Reform UK and Tories enter into coalition in Lee Anderson’s constituency
"It begs the question, what IS the difference between the two?", Ashfield Independent councillor Helen Ann-Smith said.
"It begs the question, what IS the difference between the two?", Ashfield Independent councillor Helen Ann-Smith said.
Could be a bit of a sore point, this. Lee Anderson is the latest Reform MP to distance his party from Tommy Robinson.
'Not feeling great today lads - got my monthly Battle of The Somme'
The Reform UK MP argued that men have it harder than women because of a battle that took place over a century ago.
After his intelligence was ribbed by a popular social media account, Lee Anderson wasn't in the mood to simply laugh it off.
A new report has ruffled the feathers of the Reform UK MP.
Asking a reporter if he knows the answer to a question you don't? Not exactly a textbook political move from Lee Anderson.
Rather than being gracious, the apology had to be "dragged out of him".
“F*** off, everyone opens the door to me", he was alleged to have said. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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