Led By Donkeys lampoon Donald Trump with golf outings vs death rate stats
The figures were projected on to one of his Scottish golf courses.
The figures were projected on to one of his Scottish golf courses.
“Crossing the sea in a rubber dinghy is terrifying and devastating. And I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.”
It comes as the UK successfully managed to achieve the “worst of both worlds” after it suffered the largest recession of any G7 country as well as the highest excess death rate in Europe.
Led By Donkeys offer to sell thebrexitparty.com to Nigel Farage for a £1m donation to the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants.
The video quotes a YouGov analysis of 300 polls which finds a majority of Brits would now vote to stay in the EU.
The giant billboard features an enormous Donald Trump with the Prime Minister in his pocket.
The best designs will get the real treatment by the campaign group.
“The idea of leaving the EU to take back more control into Parliament and to consider the idea of closing Parliament to do that is the most extraordinary idea I've ever heard”, she had said in June.
Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party have said that they will not publish a manifesto - not until after the European Parliament elections they are standing in. - Despite being against a European Parliament. So billboard pranksters Led By Donkeys are making up for the party’s lack of policies by suggesting some ...
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