Search Result for 'Led By Donkeys'

Workers reveal the top 40 reasons for quitting a job

Boring canteen food, long hours and incompetent bosses are among the most common reasons why Brits quit their jobs, it has emerged. Researchers who polled 2,000 workers found employees start thinking about leaving a job an average of three years and six months after starting. The list of reasons for ...

3 Unlikely Places CCTV is Improving Safety and Standards

The United Kingdom is the most surveilled nation in the world, with London leading the charge when it comes to local authority spend on security cameras. Yet, while there has been backlash against what some see as an urban Orwellian nightmare, the College of Policing has found that the increased ...

Animals…The world’s forgotten workforce

On International Working Animal Day (15 June), Geoffrey Dennis, Chief Executive of the charity SPANA, argues that animals still play a vital but largely ignored role in keeping the world’s economy moving. If you’ve just spent another miserable morning fighting your way through rush hour traffic to get to work ...

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