Almost 100,000 sign open letter to Priti Patel to stop punishing migrants
"Britain should aspire to be a country that stands up for those who are in danger and welcomes those that need a home."
"Britain should aspire to be a country that stands up for those who are in danger and welcomes those that need a home."
“The Labour Party should speak with the voices of working class people regardless of where in the world they were born. Labour must demand safe routes for migrants, and full rights and dignity for all."
The video reel also features clips of families who have been through hell during lockdown.
Love cannot be blind when it comes to the way the NHS is run. As a rich country we can do better.
The giant projection likened the PM’s response to coronavirus to Neville Chamberlain’s controversial policy of appeasement.
When the day comes to re-join, we will be embracing the European project with open arms.
The emotional video message was projected on to the Kent landmark which provided a welcoming sight for soldiers returning from Dunkirk in 1940.
Four former members of Nigel Farage’s party have switched their allegiance.
Pro Jeremy Corbyn and anti-Tory accounts produced the most popular voter registration posts. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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