Rory Stewart vid from March 2020 goes viral
Yesterday Dominic Cummings said there are "thousands of people who could obviously provide leadership better than Boris Johnson" - is Stewart one of them?
Yesterday Dominic Cummings said there are "thousands of people who could obviously provide leadership better than Boris Johnson" - is Stewart one of them?
"In all fairness if he was at home doing nothing and not touching the NHS he probably was."
Cummings defence seemed to be ‘Not me Guv, I’m thick as a (Barnard) castle wall.’
"Today on Normal Island we have a senior government advisor attempting to describe the Spiderman meme to an inquiry into 130,000 deaths."
“People who flee war-torn countries don’t want sympathy they want an opportunity," he said.
If Johnson’s stewardship of this crisis is comparable to any of Britain’s modern military engagements it is surely the Battle of the Somme, wherein wave upon wave of troops were sent to their inevitable demise.
“It is an astounding number of preventable deaths from one cause in one year, absolutely astounding number. It’s a sign of a phenomenal failure of policy and practice in the face of this new and dangerous virus."
“You said you’d meet with us and then went back on your promise. So now you are ignoring us we decided to bring our message to the Houses of Parliament.”
“As we pursue this bright future, we must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague on to the world: China,” Trump said. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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