Man in 20s dies after falling into Thames while being arrested by police – second incident this summer
Back in June another man died after jumping in the River Thames while being Tasered by officers.
Back in June another man died after jumping in the River Thames while being Tasered by officers.
Rees-Mogg also blamed Paris for the “French-created delays” as he was played a clip from 2018 where he was clear that “the delays will not be at Dover they will be at Calais”.
"Honestly you really can’t make up the twisting and double standards from Rishi Sunak well done for the best fact checking."
The former US president called for law and order to be restored in a speech given less than two miles from the US Capitol.
"I love how he can't imagine how a queue might work in practice", comedian Danny Wallace said.
Queues are building at the Port of Dover amid fears that the severe disruption seen in recent days could return to Kent.
"If they can’t stand each other, who else would stand them?" wrote Labour's Angela Rayner in response to the Tory row.
Interestingly, the event was attended by major Tory donor Lubov Chernukhin – the wife of Vladimir Putin's former deputy finance minister.
Boris Johnson has won the vote but it doesn't mean he is out of the woods. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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