Full list of MPs who abstained on vote to cancel cuts to Universal Credit
"The staggering contempt that Tories show for the working class - not even bothering to TURN UP to the Opposition Debate," Jack Monroe said.
"The staggering contempt that Tories show for the working class - not even bothering to TURN UP to the Opposition Debate," Jack Monroe said.
Amendments to the Immigration Bill to protect lone children and call for a time limit to immigration detention were defeated by the government.
RCN director Susan Masters said "testing of health and care workers and the people they are caring for has to be a priority".
Fears as Government promises for post-Brexit food and environmental standards removed from Agriculture Bill.
At the time Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: "The Conservatives had the opportunity to end cuts to our police and fire service and lift the Public Sector Pay Cap.
Ahead of the debate, Labour’s Shadow Brexit Secretary Sir Keir Starmer and Lord Alf Dubs, who fled from the Nazis on the Kindertransport to Britain when he was aged six, wrote to all Tory MPs calling on them to vote against the Boris Johnson’s “disgraceful” abandonment of the ‘Dubs' children.
These are the MPs who voted against protecting the country from what the ABI called “an unforgiveable act of self-harm.” Last night Theresa May’s government were cowed yet again when, in an unexpected upset, a slim majority of MPs, including Tories defying their own whip, voted 311 to 309 for ...
The full list of MPs who voted for and against Theresa May's deal with the European Union has been revealed. Some 432 MPs voted against the agreement in total, handing the government the biggest Commons defeat in British political history. The last time a government was defeated by more than 100 ...
Theresa May was labelled a hypocrite today after she tried to use the Welsh devolution referendum to sell her Brexit plans The Prime Minister tried to claim "both sides" accepted to endorse the creation of the Welsh Assembly - even though many Conservative MPs, including herself, voted against it. Her initial speech ...
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