MPs back immigration reforms that will make it harder to protect children fleeing violence and war
John McDonnell claimed some of the language used by those on the Government benches “wouldn’t go amiss at an English Defence League meeting”.
John McDonnell claimed some of the language used by those on the Government benches “wouldn’t go amiss at an English Defence League meeting”.
The UK is now the only G7 country not supporting it.
Labour's motion would have forced developers to make buildings with Grenfell-style cladding safe within a year.
Archbishop of Canterbury Tweeted: 'As we start to see where the cuts to overseas aid are falling, a picture of broken promises to people living in extreme poverty is emerging. This was inevitable, but it is still shocking. We must put it right."
You get the impression the Conservatives aren't as bothered about cracking down on cronyism as they insist.
The council said councillors and locals had also questioned 'the political correctness' of the statues, adding they did not believe the statue was relevant to the area.
Here's the full list of MPs who voted to block protections against trade deals with genocidal regimes.
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Here's the full list of MPs who voted the amendment down. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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