Tory MPs voted by proxy on EU citizens’ future in order to catch England v Denmark at Wembley
Chief whip Mark Spencer, who is responsible for party discipline, was one of those in attendance at the game.
Chief whip Mark Spencer, who is responsible for party discipline, was one of those in attendance at the game.
Seventeen landlord MPs have put their housing costs on expenses while raking in income from renting out their own properties.
More than 90 Tory MPs have second jobs, ranging from private healthcare to gambling.
Is your MP on the list?
What the main amendments were, the reasons given for rejecting them, and who voted to allow raw sewage in our waters.
The House of Lords amendment sought to prevent companies discharging raw sewage in rivers. It was rejected.
Here's the full list of MPs who voted for what Jeremy Corbyn described as a "tax hike on working people."
Conservative MPs overwhelmingly backed the move despite a party promise before the 2019 election that they would not raise taxes.
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