MPs vote 328 – 250 against complying with ‘domestic and international law’
Here's the full list of the MPs who voted down the crucial Lords amendment.
Here's the full list of the MPs who voted down the crucial Lords amendment.
During a grim spectacle on the BBC this morning, Richard Tice was pulled-up for saying that immigration has made the UK 'culturally poorer'.
Three shadow ministers – Yasmin Qureshi, Afzal Khan and Paula Barker – quit on Wednesday evening to back calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner branded the Bill the “Conservative sacking nurses Bill”.
Andrew spoke to the public, the family walked over towards the vast collection of flowers and tributes that had been left at the gates.
Just three Conservative MPs voted against the offshoring plan, while Edward Leigh urged the government to "hold the line".
Boris Johnson has suffered the biggest rebellion in his time as prime minister. Here's who opposed the new measures.
The prime minister’s working majority of around 80 MPs was slashed to 26, with the former justice secretary urging ministers to "look again" at the issue.
Chief whip Mark Spencer, who is responsible for party discipline, was one of those in attendance at the game. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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