Live from his mum’s house, Darren Grimes says it’s time to ‘get back to the office’
"Says Dazzler who works, lives and broadcasts from his mammy's spare bedroom"
"Says Dazzler who works, lives and broadcasts from his mammy's spare bedroom"
“The reality is that people who are willing to use violent rhetoric, to rile people up and to generate a level of hostility and anger, share responsibility in the consequences of that," Brendan Cox said.
Well played again Binface!
It comes as polling expert Sir John Curtice told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that he made it the “worst Labour performance in any by-election”.
'Someone has just referred to that new channel as "Wetherspoons TV" and I can't stop thinking about this.'
The footage was described as "terrifying".
"Would that be the same Noel Gallagher who left Oasis because his brother broke his guitar? Awww, bless."
The party received 368 votes in the Hartlepool by-election.
She is a well-known figure of the anti-vaccination movement and called the NHS “the new Auschwitz”. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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