Outrage over Cliff Richard’s shameful body-shaming comments
"One of the most awkward, jaw-dropping things I've ever seen on TV", Jonny Harvey said.
"One of the most awkward, jaw-dropping things I've ever seen on TV", Jonny Harvey said.
"Even the audience looks embarrassed!", one person said.
Broadcasting watchdog Ofcom said the programme did not give ‘due weight’ to a wide range of views on immigration and asylum policy.
Nigel Farage hit out at the "totalitarian" move which was brought about due to the channel's misogynistic output.
Balls joked that Cleese is the only presenter joining GB News rather than leaving them at the moment.
Calvin Robinson raised nearly £30,000 to “keep a roof over his head" from fans - all while enjoying a dream trip to Florida.
It comes after the home secretary declared that multiculturalism had failed in the UK ahead of the Tory Party Conference.
"At a time of intensifying political instability, we urgently need a freer, fairer and more accountable media"
The rightest of right-wing comedians has stepped up to the plate.
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