Spanish postal service condemned over skin-coloured Equality Stamps
“A campaign that outrages those it claims to defend is always a mistake.”
“A campaign that outrages those it claims to defend is always a mistake.”
"Isn't it nice that someone's moronic and bigoted views just prompt so many optimistic and life-affirming responses..."
"At a time of rising antisemitism and Islamophobia, I am appalled that the British government seems happy to smile for the cameras with a man like this."
The statement comes after a group of human rights experts strongly rejected the report as “further distorting and falsifying historic facts”
'A very quick google search would have revealed that Theresa May was condemned for visiting this rampantly homophobic church. "Unless the Labour leadership wants to make it clear it doesn’t care about LGBTQ people, it needs to apologise."
The council said councillors and locals had also questioned 'the political correctness' of the statues, adding they did not believe the statue was relevant to the area.
The Sussexes claimed during their Oprah interview that a family member had raised concerns before their son was born about how dark his skin tone might be.
“This move is a huge setback to these efforts and all the more deplorable because it compromises the protection of women in Turkey, across Europe and beyond.'
Campaigners are keen to highlight that people can request an individual access code, allowing them to answer separately from their household. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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