Labour Party members cut up cards in solidarity with Corbyn
“The facts, as far as I see them, are that Jeremy Corbyn has shown a lifelong distaste for racism of any bent,” one said.
“The facts, as far as I see them, are that Jeremy Corbyn has shown a lifelong distaste for racism of any bent,” one said.
There's a new Dominic Cummings in town - and if you want to understand new Labour, you must understand Claire Ainsley.
"Matt Hancock made much of awarding £60k compensation - it turns out low income families awarded the lump sum will therefore be stripped of their benefits".
He waved away the report that could send the second wave away.
People will be encouraged to clap at 5pm on Sunday as a way of saying thank you to NHS staff.
“He’s been found out. He either dodges the question or he gives dodgy answers. No more witnesses, I rest my case.”
You have to wonder if the PM would prefer to take a knee with the Black Lives Matter protestors or prostrate himself at the feet of Donald Trump?
The world has been looking at the UK’s incompetent handling of the COVID-19 crisis with pity and shock, now they just look at us with pity.
The convenient taboo of talking about the dead is creating rigid political conformity. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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