Tories vote down green amendments days before COP26 – what to know
What the main amendments were, the reasons given for rejecting them, and who voted to allow raw sewage in our waters.
What the main amendments were, the reasons given for rejecting them, and who voted to allow raw sewage in our waters.
The House of Lords amendment sought to prevent companies discharging raw sewage in rivers. It was rejected.
Here's the full list of MPs who voted for what Jeremy Corbyn described as a "tax hike on working people."
Conservative MPs overwhelmingly backed the move despite a party promise before the 2019 election that they would not raise taxes.
John McDonnell claimed some of the language used by those on the Government benches “wouldn’t go amiss at an English Defence League meeting”.
The UK is now the only G7 country not supporting it.
Labour's motion would have forced developers to make buildings with Grenfell-style cladding safe within a year.
You get the impression the Conservatives aren't as bothered about cracking down on cronyism as they insist.
Here's the full list of MPs who voted to block protections against trade deals with genocidal regimes. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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