Watch: Labour MP gives NSFW response to changing Tory leader live on TV
"Clive Lewis’s response was pure gold and shut Johnathon Gullis up!," wrote one person after watching the clip.
"Clive Lewis’s response was pure gold and shut Johnathon Gullis up!," wrote one person after watching the clip.
The first round of voting came after Downing Street was forced to deny running a “stop Sunak” smear campaign as the battle grew increasingly bitter.
Voting lists showed that dozens of Conservative MPs abstained, including former prime minister Theresa May.
The only countries ever to leave the European Convention on Human Rights are Greece, temporarily, after a military coup, and Russia.
"They will not put working people first, and they have no answer on the cost of living crisis," Rachel Reeves said.
The list of counter-sanctioned British politicians runs into the hundreds - but one MP believes Russia made a glaring omission.
Just three Conservative MPs voted against the offshoring plan, while Edward Leigh urged the government to "hold the line".
"How dare they do this when millions can't even afford to pay their energy bills", Richard Burgon asked.
The prime minister’s working majority of around 80 MPs was slashed to 26, with the former justice secretary urging ministers to "look again" at the issue. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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