Johnson says we will stop talking about Brexit after January as leak reveals years of wrangling ahead
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has said Mr Johnson’s promise to ‘get Brexit done’ is a ‘fraud on the British people’.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has said Mr Johnson’s promise to ‘get Brexit done’ is a ‘fraud on the British people’.
Sir David’s intervention came as Boris Johnson insisted he wants an ‘unbridled’ media.
If the European Union gives the UK a Brexit delay until January 31 then the pro-Remain parties are prepared to give the PM the opportunity to have an election on new terms.
Shadow chancellor John McDonnell accused Boris Johnson of “behaving a bit like a spoilt brat” over the issue.
In a second note to European Council president Donald Tusk, the PM said a Brexit extension would be “deeply corrosive”.
Boris Johnson will set out plans to crackdown on violent and foreign criminals today in a bid to “restore confidence” in the justice system.
Downing Street has been forced to deny claims that Boris Johnson squeezed the thighs of two women under the table during a private lunch.
"If you are going to spend that much cutting taxes for those on high incomes or supporting low earners, you could find much better ways of doing so than the policies proposed by the prime minister."
Shadow chancellor John McDonnell said the shorter average week could be delivered within a decade of taking office. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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