High profile Labour MPs rebel against Starmer’s decision to back Johnson’s EU deal
“We are witnessing an act of vandalism against our livelihoods, our rights and our horizons," the statement reads.
“We are witnessing an act of vandalism against our livelihoods, our rights and our horizons," the statement reads.
Johnson said: “Their report very clearly shows that a third runway will fail both London and the UK on every level."
Let's get the Beast of Bolsover to number 1!
The former shadow chancellor has called on the government to use Covid-19 as an opportunity to make a dent in tax avoidance.
Measures unveiled by the PM and Chancellor on Tuesday evening included Government-backed loans worth £330 billion – equivalent to 15% of GDP.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn accused the PM of having ‘no shame in defending bullying’ in his Government.
Sajid Javid used a personal statement in the Commons to explain why he felt he had to resign from the Government.
"Boris jets in to face Iran crisis", the paper claims, but not everyone is buying it.
Jeremy Corbyn was unfairly targeted by the mainstream media - as is anyone who challenges the establishment.
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