#Satire Janet Birch, a delivery firm fleet manager from Bromley, says she has been proved right that climate change is a hoax due to the arrival of Storm Emma, otherwise known as ‘The Beast from the East’. Storm Emma has bought chaos to the UK with heavy snowfall leaving motorists trapped in their cars overnight. There have been sub-zero temperatures recorded all over the country, with footage of freezing harbours, frozen waterfalls and icy rivers. Members of the public have...
When Nigel Farage hasn’t been moping about how sowing division and campaigning for Britain to leave the EU has left him broke, single and without a knighthood, - or claiming credit for the the giant victory of British passports turning blue, the former Ukip leader has been watching the Queen’s Speech this Christmas. And tweeting about it. https://twitter.com/nigel_farage/status/945348579195015168 Which led to these hilarious responses: https://twitter.com/JimMFelton/status/945386186327121921 https://twitter.com/adamgough596/status/945386614880194565 https://twitter.com/quantick/status/945384249091387394 https://twitter.com/Jhiaxus_Prime/status/945458006812250112 https://twitter.com/davidkerr1970/status/945434185552089088 https://twitter.com/govindajeggy/status/945440595182608386 https://twitter.com/quantick/status/945384389155938304?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thepoke.co.uk%2F2017%2F12%2F26%2F19-responses-to-nigel-farages-christmas-message-will-ease-hangover%2F https://twitter.com/SimonTwenty4/status/945374625462194178 https://twitter.com/limcoc/status/945377518378418176 https://twitter.com/Pundamentalism/status/945391417656070146?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thepoke.co.uk%2F2017%2F12%2F26%2F19-responses-to-nigel-farages-christmas-message-will-ease-hangover%2F MORE: https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/nigels-soon-extinct-thanks-farage/22/09/
Today some Brexit voters are celebrating as the Home Office has announced that British passports will change from burgundy to blue after Britain leaves the EU. Conservative Immigration Minister Brandon Lewis said he was delighted to return to the ‘iconic’ blue and gold design, which despite not being used for over 30 years, was first introduced nearly 100 years ago. Nigel Farrage responded by tweeting ‘Happy Brexmas’. ‘In the 2016 referendum, we wanted our passports back. Now we’ve got them...
A full list of compromises obtained from the European Union has been published on social media today. After pulling an all-nighter, European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker today announced that enough progress has been made in the first phase of Brexit talks to progress to talks about a trade deal. With the UK conceding on the cost of the Brexit divorce bill, the Irish border, European Court of Justice rulings, a free trade deal, EU payments and many other terms of the break-up,...
Perhaps the best thing to come out of the US election was comic and impressionist Peter Serafinowicz’s Sassy Trump. Voicing Donald Trump’s actual words – only voiced “0.001% more catty” – helped us appreciate quite how shockingly barmy the flamboyant reality TV star’s outrageous ramblings really are. (Watch a fabulous example below.) And now audio visual remixing wizard Eclectic Method has remixed and cut up Peter Serafiowicz’s Sassy Trump videos into one bizarre musical tirade - and remember these are all actually...
Reports this morning suggest the Foreign Secretary has been spotted pulling up at his office on Whitehall in an armoured vehicle, rather than his customary bicycle. Michael Gove could be seen helping Johnson reverse park the Challenger 2 outside the Foreign Office at around 8.30 am this morning. Witnesses confirm Johnson almost crushed Gove against a wall as he struggled to control the 62 tonnes of armoury beneath him. The tank had been safely parked around 10 minutes before this....
A University Professor turned himself over to the Daily Mail 'witchfinder' in an open letter to the 'newspaper'. His hilarious yet poignant letter has been going viral on social media today, after the newspaper published another bizarre headline, seemingly attacking 'Brexit bias' and University freedom over what students are being taught about the EU. Steve Peers, a Law Professor at the University of Essex, wrote: Dear Witchfinder General I am writing to turn myself in as what your paper...
Prime Minister Theresa May has called into question the vetting of conference attendees after police investigations showed Johnson had legitimate accreditation granting him access to the hall, despite being a lying shitbag. The police confirmed that once an application has been passed to them by the Conservative party it is their job to screen for relevant activity that would prohibit attendance, such as ‘talking like a knitwit’ and ‘falsifying claims for personal gain and blatant careerism’. Despite the embarrassment Met...
This hilarious video has a great message whether you’re a Brexit 52% or a 48%. "We Brits seem to have lost our famous sense of humour over Brexit,” Nick Figgis who made this four minute video told The London Economic. “My mate is hiding facebook posts from his mum and my gran keeps banging the table when the subject comes up. "Could it be we've fallen for a bit of good old fashioned divide and rule? Is it time for...
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