Categories: Satire

‘Now who’s the sore fucking loser’ say remainers as government set to appeal over court decision

Remainers have today ruled that the government are a bunch of ‘hypocritical twats’ after the High Court confirmed that parliamentary approval is needed to trigger article 50.

A disappointed number 10 stated its intent to stick to the March 2017 date and will take the case to the supreme court if necessary.

However, Simon Williams, first minister of somewhere that voted to remain said ‘Ha ha ha, how does it feel to be called a sore loser you lying bunch of populist cretins. Yes ok, maybe some of us had a little whine after the referendum result but we got vilified for it. Now the shoes firmly on the other foot.’

When reminded that even if the government lose their appeal and the case is put before parliament a decision to trigger article 50 is still likely Simon added “Oh, really? Shit. Well that’s a load of bollocks. Jesus this is complicated. I think I just want to go home and watch Bake Off.”

Half the bloody government didn’t even want to leave in the first place, I think they just like the idea of having a ready made Brexit excuse for when the economy goes tits up”.

Nigel Farage today said there will be ‘huge public anger’ if parliament stops Britain from leaving the EU.

“I’m not kidding, there will be violence on the streets. And if you liberal ponces think you can take a bunch of skinheads from Bradford you’ll be very sorry. Brexiters are well organised, used to mobilising in large groups and often carry weapons”.

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