
Emperor Trump holds first interview for Sith Lord apprentice

Emperor Donald Trump has had a busy week preparing for his first Sith Lord Apprentice interview. Always one for meticulous preparation, the Supreme Chancellor spent the week praising torture, denying inalienable rights to millions of women and destroying the home land of his native nationals.

The first candidate to put herself forward for the position of Sith Lord apprentice is UK hopeful, Theresa May. An early frontrunner on account of her striking similarity to Sith Legend Emperor Palpatine, she made herself a clear favourite having already distanced herself from the European alliance.

Many within her native homeland feel May has the perfect credentials to make a success of the Sith Lord Apprenticeship but is being urged not to give over to the dark side completely and to stand her ground on some issues, such as the total destruction of Alderaan.

A White House insider said “I can see them making a great couple. They could go down in folklore like Darth Insidious and Darth Vader, or Bush and Blair.”

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