
Top Trends for Real Estate Marketing in 2017

In the real estate industry, making sure you are marketing yourself well is a crucial part of business. After all, if you aren’t putting out the right message about yourself as a firm, you’re highly unlikely to attract new customers. Improving your internal marketing, and creating a strategy to put yourself in the best light, can give your firm a better chance at success.

In an industry where the competition is high, with rivals who’s aims are exactly the same as your own, marketing is an important method to gain referrals, website traffic and leads. There are a number of marketing methods you can adopt in order to boost success and attract the kind of customers you’ve always wanted.

Improving Lead Generation

Lead generation is a huge part of any business without a doubt. However, when it comes to real estate, you’ll find that your customers’ attention is being pulled in several different directions. As a buyer or seller, your customers will no doubt be looking at several real estate agents to work with; how good your marketing is could be the persuading factor.

Improving your lead generation efforts starts with your website. In other words, your website should be converting visitors into potential leads. Designed properly, your real estate website should have a data capture form that is easy to see and simple to fill out. Getting visitors’ contact information means you have the chance to chase them up afterwards and get a better idea of what they’re looking for.

Looking after your visitors this way can be the start of a positive customer relationship that could well turn into a success.

Encouraging Referrals

Bringing in new business often comes from word of mouth and following a referral programme. Referrals and repeat business accounts for 82% of all transactions for real estate agents, so it’s something to take note of. Launching your own referral programme as part of your marketing strategy can have a positive impact; you should also make a conscious effort to ask your customers for referrals or even just a glowing review.

With 92% of people trusting publicity such as recommendations from family and friends, it’s a conversation you should be encouraging with your customers. Word of mouth can be an incredibly powerful tool!

Incorporating Promotional Products

Promotional products can be a great marketing tool for letting customers know they aren’t just another sales figure. Injecting a bit of personality into your marketing efforts, you have the chance to connect with your potential leads in a more effective manner than just a follow-up email or phone call.

A more creative way of marketing your real estate firm, promotional products can help you to stand out from the competition and ensure potential customers remember exactly who you are. Whether it’s a quirky gadget, or something a little more personalised, using promotional products as part of your marketing strategy could make a bigger difference than you think.

Use Social Media

Social media platforms are quickly becoming one of the best ways to advertise your company. When it comes to real estate, making sure your social channels are incredibly visual could work in your favour. Promoting a positive lifestyle in one of your listings could work as a vital marketing tool to help your customers understand what they’re investing in.

What’s more, thanks to paid ads over social media, you have the chance to reach a global audience and bring better exposure to your real estate firm.

Jess Young

Jess is a writer at the UK's largest independent press agency SWNS. She runs women's real-life magazine, as well as contributing articles and features to all of the major titles and digital publications.

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