
Shocking pics show home couple made for themselves in a garage

A desperate couple have been found using a garage as a makeshift home – complete with double bed, rug and chest of drawers.

The hard-up pair were discovered by council officers residing at their cramped accommodation in Peet Street, Derby, last week.

They were referred to social services and offered somewhere else to live by public protection officers (PPOs) from Derby City Council.


On Monday (29/7) the authority released shocking pictures of the run-down garage showing a double bed with two bedside tables, a chest of drawers and a rug.

A Derby City Council spokesperson said: “The couple were discovered living in a garage in Peet Street by our PPO team.

“The team referred the couple to the Adult Social Services and REST Team and they have subsequently been offered support and alternative accommodation.”

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This content was supplied for The London Economic Newspaper by SWNS news agency.

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