According to recent reports, UK house prices are on the rise once again, marking a significant boost for the country's property market.
Apes Hill Barbados Resort and Community is due to open this year featuring an 18-hole, par 72 Championship golf course.
Thirty years ago, the average first-time buyer in London needed a deposit of less than £24,000.
Demand for properties shows no signs of slowing up new methods of construction are needed. Modular Construction is one of these and we take a closer look at this in closer detail.
If you end up with a nuisance neighbour after buying a house it can cause anxiety and stress. We take a closer look at the effects this can have and if the vendor should tell you of any neighbour issues.
Housing Ombudsman Richard Blakeway said some landlords had shown a dismissive attitude towards damp and mould.
It’s super exciting when buying a home, but it’s important not to get too excited and miss important things that could be a huge difference to the quality of living in your new home. We’ve created a list of things not to miss when searching for your new home.
Moving rental property can be very stressful especially in these financially difficult times. Claiming your deposit back from the landlord can be the main reason for the stress. Here we look at ways to ensure you get your deposit back.
There is a lot for landlords to know before jumping into the property rental business. Here's a quick overview of some key considerations. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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