Putting solar panels on the roof of your house is a big decision and one that needs to be carefully considered. If you’re curious about generating your own solar electricity using photovoltaic panels, cutting energy bills and getting paid for selling solar energy to the grid, then there are a few salient questions you should be asking. Which type of solar panels do I need? It’s easy to get confused about the different technologies available. Photovoltaic (PV) panels are designed...
The ongoing renovations to the historic Westminster Abbey has been one of London's largest public works projects in recent memory, topped only by the impending mammoth renovations due to take place at the Houses of Parliament over the next few years. Westminster Abbey is a national icon, used for royal weddings, state funerals and commonwealth gatherings since time immemorial. It's for this reason that the renovation works have taken place piecemeal over several years, with select parts of the building...
The ruler of the princely state of Dubai wants to expand his luxury multi-million pound estate.
It’s official – an Englishman’s home really IS his castle. Researchers who carried out a detailed study found keeping the 'castle' in tip top condition demands 104 hours of decorating or DIY, 493 hours cleaning and £1081 on tradesmen coming round every year. It also emerged more than one third feel ‘incredibly proud’ of their homes, with half admitting they regularly spending hours ensuring it is beautifully presented. Furthermore across the average home’s lifespan, owners will fork out an incredible...
Plans have been submitted to erect six homes complete with James Bond-style subterranean car ports which rise out of the ground
Wealthy water-lovers are expected to be queueing up to get their hands on the Georgian property and convert it into a stunning rural retreat.
London will need an extra 844,000 new homes in order to house its rising population over the next 25 years. Official figures show the number of homes in the capital will need to rise by a quarter by 2041 if current trends continue, bringing the new total to 4.3 million households. Tower Hamlets, Barking and Dagenham are likely to be the boroughs that will shoulder the lion’s share of the growth, with Hackney also in for a 35 per cent...
Olivia Walton was ordered to pay £114,000 to her upstairs neighbour for damage caused by the building work at the bottom floor maisonette.
The number of properties coming on to the market in London for rent continues to fall, as tenant demand rises - according to the August 2018 RICS Residential Market survey – causing rent expectations to start to creep up following months of decline. The latest numbers (which form a part of non-seasonally adjusted series) show a continuation of the decline in fresh rental stock in the capital, a trend that has been emerging on the back of tax changes on Buy-to-Let properties, while tenant demand has been rising...
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