A tiny unmodernised cottage tucked away on a quaint London lane has been put on the market for more than £500,000. The one-bedroom terrace property has just 540sq/ft of floorspace, making it around one-third the size of the average English home. It also needs to be completely refurbished but despite this it commands a £525,000 asking price, making it more than double the cost of a typical home. The cottage is on Choumert Square in Peckham Rye, South London, a...
The three-storey penthouse, in St John’s Wood, London, has stunning views across Regent’s Park.
What is more, plastic lawns arguably reduce overall sustainability by destroying habitats, decreasing soil organisms, polluting runoff water
Neighbours in super-posh Hampstead say they were not informed of the plans - and the vibrations and noise from the choppers sets off their home security systems
Council officials found 16 people in the six-bed house with evidence seven more tenants living there.
The draw of widespread and intelligent investing which brings swift and significant return can seem like a far-off monetary fantasy if an investor doesn’t have the capital to start the investment on their own. The basics of investing often mention the necessity of capital in order to achieve the greatest payout, but it doesn’t mean that without capital, an investor can’t invest. They will just need to take a more creative and planned approach to their investment. There are avenues...
With Autumn in full effect and winter around the corner, if you haven't done so already, it's high time to begin preparing your house for more of bitter mornings and icy cold nights that lay ahead. Similarly to a car, a house needs an annual routine tune up: For example, chimneys need to be swept, heating systems have to be maintained and windows need to be caulked. However, if you neglect the chores that need to be done, you might...
Wet concrete set and blocked pipes under busy main road - and it will take two weeks to repair
Two spectacular homes backing onto Poole Harbour in Sandbanks, Dorset, have already sold this summer for a combined £15.65 million.
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