Joe Tompkinson, 33, and wife Claire, 43, were excited about the prospect of a “fresh start” when they moved into their Linden Homes property in December 2017
During a trial, jurors heard there was a culture of “rigid discipline” at the home where Berry would prowl the corridors “like the Gestapo”.
House prices edged up 0.1% between May and June but Brexit uncertainty is set to weigh on growth over the coming months, according to a new survey. Property prices edged higher month on month in June to an average of £216,515 after adjustment for seasonal factors, according to the Nationwide house price index. This marks an improvement on the 0.2% monthly fall recorded in May. But the building society said annual house price growth slipped to 0.5%, down from 0.6%...
The Tenant Fees Act was introduced on 1 June 2019. We answer your top questions about the ban and how it affects landlords and tenants.
The oblivious crooks looked right down the camera as they struck in Netherton, West Mids., armed with crowbars
Berlin's city government decided on Tuesday to freeze rents for five years, heeding complaints from residents that their once famously affordable city was pricing them out. For decades after German unification in 1990, the capital was a magnet for artists, musicians and students drawn by housing far cheaper than in other major European cities - partly the legacy of Berlin's decades marooned inside Communist East Germany as a mere satellite of the capitalist West's economy. But around 40,000 people a...
Leighton Dowding ignored two council community orders to clear the garden
Comparing buy to let mortgage applications by age demographics, only two brackets increased their proportion of overall applications during 2018. 25-34-year olds recorded a tiny increase of 0.03 per cent. The biggest increase came from the 65 to 75 year old group, with buy to let applications increasing by 5.43 per cent compared to 2017. Commercial Trust reported a four per cent increase in the proportion of buy to let purchases and remortgages from over 55s, from 2017 to 2018....
The number of people who own a second home, buy-to-let or overseas property has doubled since 2001 while the number of millennials who own a first home continues to fall. Research by the Resolution Foundation has found just 37 per cent of people born in the 1980s managed to buy a home at the age of 29, compared with half of those born in the 1960s. One in 10 people now own an additional property with buy-to-let purchases growing by... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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