As well as the most desirable garden features, the nation has also had its say on what should be shoved in the shed and never seen again.
How much would it go for?
London might be one of the best places to live in the UK, but it certainly is not one of the cheapest. Living in the capital city has its charms, but they come at a high price. However, not all areas in London are expensive when it comes to accommodation.
Had enough of big city life? We’ve compiled a list of the best places to live if you want to escape to the country in 2021.
Calls for unity to tackle the current health crisis may ultimately be extended to housing and real estate as well.
Contacts from city residents to estate agents about buying a home in a village increased by 126 per cent in June and July compared with a year earlier.
Mr Johnson has since returned to work as a journalist including writing columns for the Financial Times, where he was said to have earned around £1,000 for two hours work.
Marketed as "a wonderful opportunity to create a London bolt hole", it spans a grand 79 square feet
This is how to deal with unscrupulous landlords. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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