Green Party councillor Sian Berry is calling on Sadiq Khan to make "reducing rents a national campaigning priority".
Although the UK is enjoying an ongoing spike in demand for property sales as a rare bright spot during the coronavirus pandemic, one major question is what happens when the crisis is over?
“It’s fair to say that the green shoots of rental market positivity have blossomed quite considerably."
There are 225,845 empty homes in England, with 289,800 people thought to be living on the street.
Property investments need a significant amount of capital, and any errors made in the process can cost the buyer a lot of money in the long term. We take a closer look at ways of making a good investment.
Building and construction work requires labour to lift, handle, and transport heavy loads and objects around a construction site. While this work occurs every day, it’s important to recognise it as a significant occupational hazard, which must be controlled.
More than a quarter have bought an electric vehicle to match the one on next door’s driveway and 28 per cent have purchased solar panels after seeing them on a neighbour’s roof.
GetAgent says the UK's 4,554 allotments could provide enough space to build 604,513 new homes.
The average home in Britain is now worth £163,700 more than it was in 2001! – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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