
Watch – Corbyn closes down BBC journalist trying to ask about Syria during business event

The Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn, clashed with a BBC journalist who attempted to ask a question about the Syrian crisis, while he was speaking at a small business event.

The BBC reporter, Mark Lobel, was in the process of trying to ask a question about the conflict with Corbyn, and last week’s chemical attack.

The audience, at the Fed of Small Businesses, booed the BBC hack, and appeared to want to concentrate on business issues.

Corbyn walked forward, in a forceful manner, and told Lobel: “I’m sorry – this is a Federation of Small Businesses conference. I’m very happy to do an interview with you afterwards about Syria. My media team have made that very clear to you.”

Mr Lobel replied: “That’s not what we’ve been told by your media team, but I’ll ask on business.”

The Labour leader then went onto attack big business and the various ways they side step paying taxes and avoided paying their fair share.


He said: “No one likes paying tax. We don’t wake up in the morning thinking ‘ooh, I must really pay some more tax today’.

“But most of us know taxes are essential to a civilised society and a successful economy.”

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Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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