
Video – Outrage as Jeremy Hunt votes against Marcus Rashford school meals for poor children

Jeremy Hunt infuriated Good Morning Britain viewers, and the many across the country, today after he attempted to explain the reason he voted against Marcus Rashford’s school meals.

The Government voted down the Manchester United star’s bid to extend free school meals over the holidays.

Questioned on the vote during his interview on Good Morning Britain he said: “I voted with the Government on this.

“It’s incredibly difficult because everyone has enormous sympathy with what Marcus Rashford is arguing for.

“I think we have to wait and see where we’re at over the Christmas holidays, if we’re at a lockdown situation, if families on the breadline need extra help.

“MPs and the Chancellor will be very sympathetic. I don’t think we’re quite there yet.”


On social media there was anger that the Government had voted against feeding poor children.

The “Honourable Member” for Bassetlaw, made this statement to the House yesterday.





In terms of the actually vote a few selected comments can be seen below.





Here is Jeremy Hunt trying to explain why he voted to keep children hungry.

Watch Video Here

Related: Tory trustee for Feeding Britain votes against feeding Britain

Joe Mellor

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