
Tory minister admits asylum seekers crossing the Channel are NOT breaking the law following Burley masterclass

Tory minister Tom Tugendhat was forced to admit that asylum seekers crossing the Channel are NOT breaking the law following a superb interrogation from Sky News presenter Kay Burley.

Tugendhat tried to dodge the question after he was pressed on refugees fleeing the war in Sudan, many of which are British citizens.

The security minister had insisted there were “legal and lawful” ways in which refugees fleeing the war in Sudan could come to the UK.

Referring to small boats, he said: “They really should not be empowering people traffickers or organised crime groups by using illegal means.”

But Burley said: “It’s not illegal though, is it? Crossing the Channel on a boat is not illegal.”

Avoiding the question, Tugendhat replied: “It’s wrong to subsidise or support in any way organised crime groups and I don’t think any of us would support the idea that we should have organised crime groups profiting from human misery, and sadly that’s what we’re seeing in the Channel.”

Burley then hit back: “But we acknowledge it’s not illegal, don’t we, to come here on a small boat?”

Tugendhat said: “What we acknowledge is organised crime groups are making an absolute fortune out of human misery and it is deeply wrong. It’s a form of human trafficking which has brought misery to quite literally millions.”

Burley responded: “Is it illegal though to get on a small boat and cross the Channel? Is it or not?”

Eventually, the minister said: “It’s not illegal to be a victim of human trafficking.”

Burley replied: “Thank you. So it’s not illegal.”

Watch the clip in full below:

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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