
The Tories coming third ‘changes everything’ – Here’s why

Edwin Hayward has set out the profound implications of the Conservative Party being driven into third place in the House of Commons in an eye-opening social media thread.

The latest MRP polling suggests Rishi Sunak’s party is at risk of getting fewer MPs than the Liberal Democrats in the July 4th General Election.

The bombshell survey of almost 20,000 people suggests 20 Cabinet ministers could lose their seats in the bloodbath – including the PM himself.

If the results are repeated next week on election day, Labour would pick up 450 seats The Tories would be reduced to just 60 MPs, behind the Lib Dems on 71.

“It changes everything”

Such a result would have profound implications on the way the UK parliament is run, according to Edwin Hayward.

It would render the Tories “powerless and voiceless” on the back benches, leaving Sir Ed Davey to take up official opposition benefits such as:

  • 6 questions at PMQs
  • Guaranteed regular media coverage from the BBC and other outlets that have a “balance” requirement
  • 17 Opposition Days to set agenda and hold votes
  • Extra Short Money (almost £1 million)
    First right to reply to King’s Speech and Budget
  • Privy council membership for senior figures
  • Office of the Leader of the Opposition with extra resources

As Hayward notes, “these benefits vanish if you’re not second. You’re condemned to obscurity.

“Two questions at PMQs, that’s it. No bronze medal in politics! Faced with irrelevance, the Tories won’t be able to rebuild. Donors and supporters will abandon them.”


The social media commentator also notes that Brexit would be back on the agenda which means sidelined topics such as single market membership and rejoining the customs union would be back on the table.

Even EU membership could get another airing.

In a plea to the electorate ahead of the vote on July 4th, Hayward adds:

“Park your feelings at the door. Angry? Jaded? Fed up with politics? Irrelevant. This isn’t about Labour or the LibDems. It’s about the big prize: ending the Tories as a viable political force. The chance to do so won’t come again.”

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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