
Oops! Daily Mail reveals 132 seats where tactical voting can beat the Tories

How bad has this Conservative election campaign been? Well, even their great defenders in the media world are scoring own goals against them. An article published by the Daily Mail this weekend could now end up playing into Labour’s hands…

ALSO READ: Tactical voting recommendations released ahead of General Election

The Daily Mail tactical voting guide highlights 132 closely-contested seats

The piece, which has been run as an editorial and features as part of an eight-page spread in the Saturday print edition, highlights all the seats across the UK where Labour and the Tories look set for a close battle. Online, there is an interactive map.

Of the 132 seats featured, the paper recommends voting Tory in 123 of them. For the other nine, they have encouraged the electorate to back Reform, and prevent a Labour ‘supermajority’. To say they are frit is an understatement.

“If the polls are to be believed, Labour is on course for an unprecedented ‘supermajority’, reducing the Conservative presence at Westminster to a barely relevant rump. It would be a disaster for the political, cultural and economic life of this country.”

“With no effective opposition, it would give unbridled power to a Labour party which seeks to change Britain immeasurably for the worse. Does the country want this kind of change? We think not…” | Daily Mail

Non-Tory voters urged to use guide to form their decision on voting day

However, the graphics are wholly open to political interpretation. Where a Conservative voter can see an opportunity, so can anyone else who wants to eject the party from office. It has the potential to backfire significantly.

Seats belonging to Priti Patel, Robert Jenrick, and Esther McVey are all viewed as being ‘at risk’, with Labour bearing down on the well-known Tory incumbents. In Ashfield, Reform trail Labour by 15% – but the Daily Mail is asking voters to back Lee Anderson.

Still need advice on how to vote tactically? Well, if you’re in one of these constituencies, allow NADINE DORRIES to point you in the right direction…

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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Tags: Daily Mail