
Tactical voting could usher in a ‘Tory-free decade’

New data reveals millions are ready to vote tactically to deliver a change of Government at the next election and could be the key to keeping the Conservative Party out of power for the next decade.

Last weekend, the massive Best for Britain MRP poll suggested Sunak’s Conservatives were on course for their worst-ever defeat at a General Election, projecting a total seat haul of just 98 with high-profile Cabinet casualties across the country.

Now, new data shows that 13 million Brits across the country are ready to vote tactically to ensure that change at the next election. 

A poll of more than 15,000 people for Best for Britain, undertaken by Survation, showed 41 per cent of respondents said they would consider voting tactically to secure a change of Government.

Tactical voting for change was the most popular choice in 510 (80 per cent) constituencies across Britain including 255 of the 372 won by the Conservative Party in 2019. 

A mere 12 per cent of those asked in this public opinion poll said they would vote tactically to save the current government, with this answer being the most popular option in no constituencies

Swing seats

And these findings could be crucial. Despite cataclysmic projections, the high number of marginal and ultra-marginal seats means the Tories could claw back a further 89 seats by increasing their vote share 5 per cent or less.

In these seats, the Conservatives are hot on the heels of Labour (82 seats), Lib Dem (6 seats) and SNP (1 seat). 

Best for Britain analysis suggests tactical voting in these knife-edge seats can prevent the Tories securing a platform of 187 seats from which they could more realistically regain power within five years.

Last week an unnamed Tory MP was quoted as saying “you hope that you’re going to have 200-plus MPs, not 150 or lower, because then you’re out for ten years.”

Top Tory ministers

Tactical voting could be the difference between deliverance or defeat for previously untouchable Tories including Jeremy Hunt, Oliver Dowden and Michael Gove.  Of the 98 seats the Conservatives are predicted to win, they lead 70 of them with majorities of less than 5 per cent. 

In the seat of Richmond and Northallerton where the Prime Minister holds a wafer-thin 2 per cent poll lead, things could not be closer with exactly the same number of respondents saying they would vote tactically to save or scrap his administration (37.1 per cent). 

Crucially, tactical voting could also see the defenestration of hard-right figures preparing to take control of the Conservative Party in opposition. They include Suella Braverman, Priti Patel  and Liz Truss who this week was photographed celebrating the birthday of Nigel Farage.

Kemi Badenoch’s poll lead, only slightly above being marginal but well within the realms of being a ‘swing’ seat (7.9 per cent) , would also be vulnerable. 

Naomi Smith, CEO of Best for Britain and founder of tactical voting site GetVoting.org said: “After 14 years of falling living standards, failing public services and unending crises, people are ready to serve this government the kind of earth-shattering defeat that will see them out of power for a decade.

“With polls likely to tighten when an election is called, tactical voting holds the key to making this a reality and ensuring voters have the information they need to do so will be crucial.”

Related: January 2025 election has not been ruled out, Dowden hints

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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